What is So´ Karis?

This is it! And I honestly cannot believe I am typing these words and launching this project. A labor of love born out of heartache and complete and utter brokenness.

But KJ, what is So´ Karis?

I am so glad you asked, Friend!

So´ in Portuguese can be translated as: only, just, barely or alone. Karis (really Charis, but I took creative license on adding in the ‘K’, ‘cause KJ😉) translates to unmerited favor and kindness. Grace and Unmerited Favor have been what I have had to cling to in the darkest moments of my life. And it is only Grace that I have been able to come through the other side of the storms of this life stronger, better and with unbelievable joy.

It is Grace that I am leaning into as I launch this project and share with each one of you the journey that I have been on. I, by no means have this life figured out and I certainly am not here to be your life coach. But through the chaos, I have become a student of life and have experienced what it truly means to be content, no matter the circumstances.

We all want to be loved and accepted and we all possess a void in us that no person or thing can fill. I know this first hand because I tried to fill this void for years. Being born and raised in Miami, FL, I was conditioned to believe that beauty, power and having lots of stuff were everything; #lifegoals. I chased after a standard of beauty that was both impossible and an illusion, I tried my damndest to Keep up with the Jones’ (or Garcia’s, ’cause Miami), I tried to buy my happiness and I looked to people and relationships (both personally and professionally) to affirm my worth and existence. And when all those roads led to a dead end and all those things I held so dear for my worth, significance and identity were lost; Grace was all I had.

I have been given a second chance in every area of my life; physically, spiritually, relationally, professionally and financially. What was lost has been restored and in ways that I could never have fathomed. Now, do not read: ‘My life is so absolutely perfect now!’. Friend, it isn’t. Do I have bad days? Oh Lord, ask my momma. Do I have unanswered prayers and unfulfilled dreams? Ummm, yes and yes. Do I struggle with fear and doubt and worry and self-love? That would be a firm YES.

And it’s ok. I am making progress and I no longer am trying to attain perfection. I am choosing (key word) to stand firm and continue to grow into the best version of myself; progress not perfection. It’s not just Grace that has been given to me, but Grace I am intentionally choosing to give myself. I think we miss that in todays’ culture….

So what can expect from this blog, KJ?

Oh, Friend- you have the best questions! 😉

You can come here, kick it with an old friend who’s just trying to do life, just like you. It gets messy and it gets hard. I hope you’ll laugh with me, I hope you’ll learn and be challenged to view people and circumstances through a lens of Grace and most of all I hope you leave here believing that Grace is available to you, too.

I am so energized and excited to begin this next chapter with you all. And as a work in progress, I am always open to your thoughts, comments and feedback. Vamos!




2 thoughts on “What is So´ Karis?

    1. This is so late!! As you can see I am still on that blog learning curve! Thank you so much for the encouragement 🙂

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