Unconventional and Unapologetic

What a week. Lots of travel. It’ll be 5 cities in 7 days. So blessed and so grateful. Really. Zero whining over here.

I love this photo and chose it to rep today’s post because I have never been good at behaving well. Behaving constitutes societal norms and convention; neither of which I have ever done well. I have always walked to the beat of my own drum and see no other reason why this project wouldn’t do the same.

I’ve been asked two main questions many times since the launch of this project to describe what So´ Karis is about. One, why do I keep talking about Grace; am I talking about God? And two, am I replacing God to appease an audience?

I know I have covered this in one of my first posts, but it bears repeating since it seems to be a topic of discussion that keeps coming up. So´ Karis is a reflection of the Second Chance I have been given. At 38, I am starting over in every way imaginable; physically, financially, professionally, relationally and spiritually. My story is one of redemption and I want others to know that it is never too late for Second Chances. Grace doesn’t care where you’ve been or what you’ve done. Grace doesn’t discriminate; it is for everyone.

I think the second question I have been asked deserves a deeper dive. First and foremost I give all credit and Glory to God my Father for His Grace and Redemptive Love, through His Son Jesus Christ, that is allowing me to live this Second Chance. Don’t get it twisted. He has done an amazing work in me and it is His Grace that I am compelled to help others know and embrace. I take zero credit for this transformation.

Through this launch and the questions (read: slight criticism), I have realized that I unable to please people with the answers they want to hear. I am not a Lifestyle blogger. I am not a Fashion blogger. I am not a Health and Wellness blogger and I am certainly not a Christian blogger. The only label I claim, to which I base my identity and this project on, is a follower of Christ, a Daughter of The Most High. And from that So´ Karis I and will be defined.

A life lived in Christ is not showing up to a building every Sunday morning for an hour and then moving on to the next task on a ‘to do’ list. It isn’t keeping within our comfortable ‘community groups’ or ‘small groups’ or ‘circles’ or whatever the current Christian buzz word is. And it certainly isn’t defining people by life circumstance.

This life of Grace is based on two very simple ‘to do’s’; love God and love people. That is it. It is so simple, yet we (Western Christianity) have completely screwed it up. We say a lot of good things but where is the action? Where is the doing? Where is the extension of Grace to ourselves and others? Where are we creating opportunities for God’s Grace to reach those who are broken, wounded and hopeless? It takes a shift in perspective. It take a lens of Grace to see the endless possibilities when we allow our brokenness, emptiness and hopelessness be eradicated by God’s Grace.

This. This is everything. This is my heart. I probably won’t tag a bible verse on every social media post. Or hold back on creativity in celebrating art and fashion. These are all good things given to us by God. He is the Creator of all things Beautiful. It is a reflection of Himself. BUT… What you will see is my heart. A heart that longs to see others have their own Second Chance. To see others have the opportunity to break out of their own boxes and shed labels society has arbitrarily assigned to them. You will also see me intentionally trying to be the best me I can be. Not perfection but just me trying to reach my maximum potential.

So, yeah. I talk about Grace because it is everything. It is Fullness. It is Wholeness. It is Beauty. And it is Wisdom. It is Him. And to Him I give So´ Karis.




6 thoughts on “Unconventional and Unapologetic

  1. Beautifully expressed. Thank you for exhorting us to second chances thru Grace.

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