Health Is So Much More Than….


Ok, so let’s talk about what this page isn’t about… It isn’t about the WOD that makes you puke, 4am sweat seshs, protein shakes or crazy elixirs guaranteed to help you lose 30 pounds in 7 days.

Oh Lord, I am so glad I got that out of my system. How many years did I waste doing all of the above and then some? You really don’t want to know the answer to that question, Friend.

Now that we are on the same page Friend, we can chat about what this page IS about. It’s about approaching our health in 3 distinct but completely related ways; body mind and spirit. Our physical bodies, emotions and spirit are designed to function together, as a complete unit. If one is off balance the others are affected, just the same. Hence, the state of #hangry.

In my former life, I was a Surgical Sales representative in Miami working in a very competitive and cut throat industry. I was under a constant state of stress where my success was directly correlated to my last O.R. case. I was running on a hamster wheel trying to attain perfection and obsessed with everything I wasn’t or didn’t have.

In September 2014, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s. It was years (realistically, 15+) of not feeling good but not knowing exactly what didn’t feel good. Nothing hurt, but slowly I started to feel worse and worse. Slowly, I began to put on more and more weight (despite the aforementioned WODs, 4am sweat seshs and extreme dieting), lose my hair and find myself a crazy hormonal mess 25 out of 30 days in a month. I kept it together professional (as best I could or knew how) but I was a trainwreck in all of my personal relationships.

The best thing to ever happen to me was to be laid off and unemployed for 21 months. Yes, Friend, you read that right… Twenty. One. Months.

I was just so tired of being tired that I started researching anything and everything about hypothyroid and Hashimotos. I instinctively knew my entire body, mind and spirit were completely wrecked and it was going to be an ‘all in’ approach to wholeness, so I decided I was going the holistic route and not the well travelled path of western medicine. I completely overhauled my diet, fitness (read: none for over a year and half, besides walking) and self care. I was fed up with looking in the mirror and not seeing who I really was. Not only was my body deteriorating but my soul and dreams were dying a slow death, as well.

So now, this page. It is sharing my struggle and my journey to wholeness. I will share what has worked for me and how I intentionally seek balance each day to remain whole and healthy; body, mind and spirit. I want you to know that it is possible to become healthy and it is so much more than a 6 pack of abs and shredded arms.

If this is where you are now Friend, don’t give up and don’t give in. It is a season and not forever. It is Grace that will see you through to the other side and it is Grace that will give you, your own second chance.

